Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free

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  2. Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Download
  3. Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Download
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I love Callan's teaching style & technique. I've also added 4 of her dvd's to my collection. This book is comprehensive & could work as a stand-alone Callanetics resource. The 10 years younger dvd (the counterpart to this book) gives good visuals of the nuances of the movements with Callan teaching every-day students. Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours. The original workout! Now you can actually look ten years younger in ten hours. Callan Pinckney, author of the rev. Third, and this is what I'm sharing here with you all. It is called Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours. Muscle toning workout. It does NOT bulk you up. I have a hard time keeping this from happening which is why I don't really do a lot of weight training.

In an effort to be gentler on my body and increase flexibility while firming, tightening, and changing my body shape I have discovered Callanetics. About eight years ago, I was floating around the world wide web, researching my favorite topics, health and fitness, when I found this vintage workout called Callanetics. It claimed to help you lose '10 inches in 10 hours' and 'lift muscles, tone skin, resculpt the body, and blast cellulite.' I was intrigued. Of course, the promises seemed a bit far fetched but I'm the kind of person who loves to experiment with myself as the guinea pig and find out for myself if a product or program works. Before trying it out, I did a little bit more research on the founder of this wonder working program: Callan Pinckney.
She was a fascinating woman. She was born with a twisted body-one hip higher than the other, turned in feet, and spinal curvatures. This caused her to have to wear braces in an effort to straighten out her body as a child. Even with her physical difficulties, she spent ten years studying classical ballet. Rebellious by nature, she longed to travel the world. After two years of college she left America and began an eleven year pilgrimage of adventure traveling Europe, Africa, and Asia. While exciting, this experience was difficult and ravaged her body. By the time she returned home, the effects of her travels had resulted in constant pain and malnourishment.
Out of these physical difficulties, Callanetics was born. Callan was determined to heal her body, so she spent years perfecting a series of exercises that were gentle on her back designed to actually rebuild her body. After writing a book and teaching classes out of her apartment she began to gain recognition. Her original video released, 'Callanetics,' became the number 1 on the UK's Best Selling Fitness Videos of All Time chart.
Back to Brianna and her Callanetics experience.
I obtained the 'Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours' dvd and jumped right in. The exercises look deceptively simple. Most of them consist of tiny, pulsing movements that are supposed to reach deep into the muscle, firming, and shaping. These movements are to be repeated up to 100 times per exercise. The series of exercises consist of stretches, warmups, stomach exercises, hips and behind exercises, leg exercises, and an underarm tightener exercise. The entire workout lasts for one hour, but I soon learned that by skipping the instructions and working at my own pace I could complete it in thirty-forty minutes.
I was definitely sore the first few days that I did the workout. My muscles were not used to to the movements- they are definitely different from most exercises people use today. I began to notice results right away! Callan likes to say that our butt should look more like a 'perfect peach' instead of a 'pear'-high and tight, not saggy and bottom heavy. I did begin to notice my butt lift and take on a more defined shape! Also, the stomach exercises were killer at first. There are three of them-meaning that I am pulsing/rounding my stomach muscles 400 times during the workout! You will get stronger abs with this routine, trust me! Another favorite exercise of mine is the underarm tightener. After doing this the first few times my underarms were VERY sore, which told me it was working. Pelvic twists were also a challenge for me. In this exercise you sit on your knees, lift your butt off your heels and rotate your pelvis one way ten times and then reverse the other way ten times. This exercise alone really helped create definition in my thighs. Scattered throughout the harder exercises are various stretches, which I really appreciated. I highly value flexibility, and Callanetics will stretch your body and give you longer, leaner muscles.
Callan Pinckney, as the instructer, is very careful about form. Do not skip her instructions at first. It is very important that you do them properly, especially if you suffer from back problems. Remember, her workout was designed to rebuild her own body and back, so this is an excellent program if followed correctly for chronic pain sufferers.
I stopped doing Callanetics for years, just because, as with everything else, it's easy to forget what works and stick to it consistently. This year, after overdoing harsh, intense exercises, I decided to scale back and pick up Callanetics again. I am very glad that I did so. After three weeks now, I am noticing my butt shaping up into that perfect peach, as well as tighter underarms, and better, overall flexibility. Did it help me lose ten inches in ten hours? No, but that's because I'm not trying to lose ten inches! I am at a healthy weight. I am just trying to firm up and tone problem areas, as well as maintain a certain level of flexibility and fitness.
Finally, if you are looking for a workout plan that is calming, I highly recommend Callanetics. It is easy on your joints, and when I have completed my workout I am always more relaxed and better able to focus on the day ahead.
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I mentioned a few posts ago that I started doing Callanetics and said I might post again after I'd done ten sessions, to see how Callanetics' '10 years younger in 10 hours' claim holds up.
It should go without saying that nothing can make you younger--relentless march of time and all that--but Callanetics can firm you up faster than anything I'm aware of. It won't make you fit, it won't make you lose fat, and it won't improve your upper body strength. It will firm you up noticeably in an amazingly short time, though, so the '10 hours' claim isn't mere hype.
I'm doing Callanetics three times a week, and I've now done ten sessions. I've lost about one and a quarter inches off my waist and about three and a half inches off my hips. My underarm area (not the triceps, but where ladies who aren't super-thin get a little roll of fat between their bra and the edge of their arm) has firmed up considerably. (This is odd actually, because I assumed when I started that the underarm tightener exercise wouldn't work and it still doesn't Freefeel as if it's doing anything to that area.) I think the sides of my thighs are starting to slim up. My abdomen is MUCH stronger than when I started. I still can't do the full set of reps on the stomach exercises, but I never thought I would improve this much so fast. All of these results in about three weeks and without the loss of one pound; and to be honest, there were two sessions where I was running short on time and had to cut my session short, so my time spent is well under the '10 hours' of the claim.
Callanetics also lives up to its claim to be easy on the back. I don't have back problems myself, but I have tried to assess it as if I did and as far as I can tell there's no strain on the back. There's more talk about back safety in the Callanetics book; I believe there was even another Callanetics book specifically for people with back problems.
There is strain on the neck, however, when you do the abdomen exercises. Callan Pinckney claims it will disappear after a few sessions, and for me at least this seems to be the case. She does recommend putting your hands behind your neck if it's a problem for you, and of course it helps if you try not to pull with your neck.
As for the other negatives, in the reviews I read before I purchased the DVD, I saw that some people didn't like the instructor's manner or her accent and that they thought the exercises were boring and the looks & musci laughably dated. I like the instructor, think the look of the hair and leotards holds up much better than most '80s area stuff, and don't mind the music (it reminds me of Mister Rogers neighborhood for some reason). As for boredom, well, most exercise is boring, that's why people prefer to sit on the couch watching Andy Griffith

Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Online

reruns; right now I'm too busy trying to improve to be bored by this, but when I start to get bored, I think the great results will keep me at it for quite a while after.

Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Download

The only other 'negative' I can think of is that it seems a little odd to have the relaxing stretches before the final exercises; it may be because of my experiences with yoga exercise, but it just seems the tape ought to end with the relaxing lower back stretch. On the other hand, I love the placement of the ab exercises immediately after the warm-up; with this you don't have to go through the tape dreading the ab part.

Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Download


Callanetics 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours Dvd Free Full

Upshot: I definitely recommend this exercise video and the accompanying book. It may be nearly twenty years old and the exercises may seem odd, but it works.