Root Cause Documentary Scam

Root canals are one of the root causes of cancer, heart disease and chronic illness, and yet 25 million are still performed each year in the USA alone. #NothingToSmileAbout #RootCauseMovie — Root Cause Movie (@RootCauseMovie) September 4, 2018. A Review of the Documentary “Root Cause” A Review of the Documentary 'Root Cause' Do you suffer from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS (previously known as RSD until 1994 when the name was officially changed), which is a neurological condition of the Central, Autonomic, Sympathetic & Enteric Nervous System? If you haven’t heard, let me be the first to introduce you to a documentary on Netflix called “Root Cause.” The documentary follows an individual’s experience with root canal treatment, and the alleged systemic issues he claims is directly associated with root canal treatment. I decided to watch the documentary for the sole purpose of.

Here is a review of it: Root Cause is a feature length documentary based on one mans extraordinary true story a 10 year long journey to find the root cause of his panic attacks, anxiety, chronic fatigue, nausea, dizziness, agitation and insomnia.


Hey Folks – Jackie here with Health Reporter Daily and I want to THANK YOU for stopping by to check out my The Thyroid Secret review. This docuseries was created by Dr Izabella Wentz. If you don’t know me yet, you’re in for a treat as I NEVER review a product unless I get it myself, and test or review it (depending on the nature of the product).

Click Here To Get Access to The Free Thyroid Docu Series

Many people today are battling daily with the struggle to lose weight. It seems to be an impossible task to shift that stubborn fat.

Most don’t realize it, but your thyroid could be causing this!

Not only ensuring you don’t lose weight but crushing your life under a mountain of fatigue along with many other detrimental symptoms!

Table of Contents
1 The Thyroid Secret Review – Each Episode In Detail


The thyroid gland is the workhorse of the body. It is responsible for hormone production, and most of these hormones have a role to play in controlling the body’s metabolic processes. [1]

Disorders of the thyroid are varied and can manifest in multiple ways. Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland, can result in nervousness and tremor, mental fogginess and poor concentrations, menstrual changes, sudden unexplained weight loss, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), profuse sweating, heat sensitivity, changes in bowel movements, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, skin thinning and brittle hair. [2]

Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid can result in fatigue, increased cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, water retention, muscle weakness, elevated blood cholesterol, aching muscles, pain and joint stiffness, heavier menstruation, thinning hair, slower heart rate, depression and impaired memory.[3]

With this array of symptoms, it is no wonder so many people are suffering in silence. The symptoms are relatively generalized and most people do not realize that they are suffering from a disorder.[4]

But there is light at the end of the tunnel! This video series, hosted by the renowned pharmacist, thyroid expert and patient advocate, Dr Izabella Wentz, will entirely change your life. The 9 episode series serve to explain the symptoms of the disease and how you can uncover and address the root cause that is triggering your symptoms. This series provides revolutionized treatments for thyroid disorders and includes a section hosted by hosted by expert speakers, patient stories, as well as a FAQ sections covering the most common questions associated with this ailment and its treatment.

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The Thyroid Secret Episodes List

In this episode, Dr Wentz describes her dramatic battle with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that consumed most of her life. She explains, in depth, her symptoms and signs that went untreated for so many years and how you recognize and diagnose thyroid disorders before it’s too late.

From unrelenting fatigue to depression, the symptoms of these disorders can have such dire effects on your life. And unless you take the first step to understand, identify and treat this disorder, it has the potential to rob you of your life. [1]

In this episode, she describes the recommended diagnostic techniques and protocols for each disorder. She uses her personal experience to explain the “cause and effect” nature of thyroid problems and how you can identify these ailments and how conventional medicine has generally failed thyroid sufferers and which protocols can circumvent these traditional methods and treat the root cause of these disorders.

If Start Losing Weight & Heal Your Broken Thyroid with The Thyroid Secret Docu Series from Izabelle Wintz

Root Cause Documentary Scams

Conventional medicine has disappointed many patients with underlying thyroid disease. They seem to treat the symptoms and not the cause. Many patients have been prescribed anti-depressants when they should be treated for thyroid dysfunction for years before they are correctly diagnosed. And even then, the treatments are symptom-centric!

This episode delves into the hidden cause behind many common mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue and low libido and how these are often misdiagnosed. People go for years on various dangerous drugs and never improve. But there is hope. This episode demonstrates the things you can do, often just small changes in your everyday life, to reverse the condition and get your mental health back on track!

This episode will reveal the truth about thyroid medication and which protocols can actually help you feel better and how functional medicine can revolutionise your existence and discover the way back to your health. She delves into the current system of diagnosis and treatment and pulls back the curtain on current treatment methodology revealing the pitfalls and recommends treatments and protocols that actually work.

This episode also reveals an innovative therapy for autoimmune disease that has minimal side effects; and thoroughly exposes the true triggers for thyroid dysfunction and how to identify and deal with them to remarkably improve your life.

If you want to start using these therapies and finally lose weight then make sure to visit the official Thyroid Secret web site of Izabelle Wintz

This all important episode serves to describe how many toxins present in your immediate environment can contribute to thyroid disease. There are so many toxins that trigger thyroid disorders in very common places. From the water you drink to the toothpaste you use, there are catalysts present in everyday life that can trigger thyroid symptoms in susceptible individuals. [3]

This episode delves into the truth of the matter that the world is actually no longer safe to live in. There are toxins present in many forms and as the thyroid is designed to accumulate substances, it is more vulnerable to these toxins which play an increasingly dominant role in thyroid disease and the resultant symptoms of fatigue and weight gain. [2]

There are, however, simple tools in everyday life that can help you overcome these hurdles and lower the amount of toxin consumed on a daily basis. And these tools are explained within this episode.

If you’d like to eliminate all of the harmful toxins in your body and finally lose weight then make sure to visit the official Thyroid Secret web site of Izabelle Wintz

So many of us self-medicate when we are not feeling well instead of investigating the cause of these ailments. By self-medicating we are not only masking the symptoms, but moving further away from diagnosing the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Root Cause Documentary Scam Email

This episode serves to discover the secret solution to thyroid disease that is probably the most unknown, yet unpretentious and simple to follow. This tool to improving your thyroid health is good nutrition! Simple, but effective.


This episode will reveal a comprehensive list of foods that you should be eating and those to avoid. By changing your diet, you can radically alter your health in the most constructive way. You may be able to eliminate many of these detrimental symptoms, and in some cases completely reverse your thyroid condition when you remove a substance from your diet that is reactive for you. The trick is identifying what is a trigger and how to avoid it. This episode will help you do this and get you on the path to optimum health.

If you are tired but struggle to sleep, irritable, absent-minded and lacking energy and libido, this episode may just be for you!

The incapacitating fatigue and weight problems associated with thyroid problems can take over your life, strip you of your confidence and put unnecessary pressure on your relationships. [4]

Our bodies aren’t designed to handle the stresses of modern day living and through adaptive physiology, when exposed to a stress stimulus, the body will alter its metabolism by slowing down to preserve itself. This can occur through an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland.

This episode serves to provide methods and strategies to conquer stress and modulate your stress response. From meditation to adaptogenic herbs, this episode gives step by step strategies to help you reduce the stress that has such an impact on your thyroid health.

If you’d like to eliminate stress and maintain a healthy thyroid then make sure to visit the official web site of Izabelle Wintz

This episode needs to be watched by anyone who is expecting or trying to fall pregnant. This time in a woman’s life should be magical and unforgettable but for many this is a time plagued by the symptoms of thyroid disease and these women are robbed of this enchanting experience and instead they suffer, generally in silence, with gloom and depression and feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.

This episode provides the vital information on recognising the signs of thyroid disease in both the expectant mother and the new-born. This information can save lives. There are many symptoms that go undiagnosed and unchecked because we lack the information necessary to recognise the problems and the wherewithal to do something about it but this episode can change all that. It provides you with the information you need to keep yourself healthy during pregnancy and prevent what is often misdiagnosed as postpartum depression.

This episode investigates the link between gastrointestinal health and thyroid conditions. It may be surprising to realise that many autoimmune conditions originate from a dysfunctional gastrointestinal system. A compromised gut can lead to a compromised immune response. This episode reveals that thyroid disease has these same origins and it is imperative to maintain gastrointestinal balance to prevent disease progression.

This episode reveals how to prevent and reverse thyroid conditions by maintaining a healthy gut, with an optimal microbial balance, and information on how to keep it that way, preventing a myriad of secondary diseases and symptoms, providing you with the tools to live your best life!

Click Here to Learn More About The Thyroid Secret Docu Series from Izabella Wintz

Thyroid symptoms, as generalised as they may seem, have been the cause of much discontent and despondency. These symptoms, comprising the overwhelming fatigue, the anxiety, the battle with weight, the memory problems, the joint pain and the irritability all conspire to ruin people’s lives. It strips people of their identity, their aspirations and degrades personal relationships.

This episode is the light at the end of a very dark and convoluted tunnel. It describes individual success stories of people who have been at rock bottom and managed to claw their way out of the abyss to turn their health around and triumph over this disease.

This episode serves to give hope to those currently struggling and show them it is possible to triumph over thyroid dysfunction and live normal lives. This comprises the inspiring journeys of those who overcame disease and how they accomplished it, as well as Expert commentary on thyroid disease showcasing their simple secrets to good health.
Final Thyroid Secret Review
This video series showcases Dr Wentz’s integrated approach which has revolutionised treatments for thyroid disease. You get to see her interview over 100 experts in the field, empowering thousands to recover their health by addressing the root causes that trigger thyroid symptoms and document their journey to recovery.

If you suffer from debilitating fatigue, weight problems, anxiety and gut issues, you need to purchase this series today. It has helps thousands recover their health and it can certainly help you too!

The Thyroid Secret team is so confident that this series can help you, that they offer a 60 day 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the content. Go on! Make the positive change today, starting with informing yourself. And this series gives you all the material you need to start making the valuable changes today and recovering your health for tomorrow!

Click Here to Learn More About The Thyroid Secret Docu Series from Izabella Wintz


  1. Ganong (2003): Review of Medical Physiology, 21st Edition, McGraw Hill Companies