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Summary :

Unable to run some games or applications on your computer? This might lie in insufficient dedicated Video RAM. But what is dedicated Video RAM? How to increase it on laptops? In this post, MiniTool answers the two questions.

GpuMemTest is a simple tool to run a number of tests on your video card’s memory. It aims to put stress on the VRAM as well as the memory controller by running a number of test patterns. The tests include sequential, random, alternating read and write, block copy, random data, and sparse inversions.

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Dedicated Video RAM

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Sep 26, 2014 Man the quality of trolls really has gone done in the last few years Technically, I would say the last decade would be more accurate but I digress. Jan 27, 2021 Open a command prompt and type dxdiag and you'll see the info in the display tab: On this pc I type on, you can see 128 MB of VRAM (not actual vram, regular ram reserved in bios) and 2004 MB the driver can use from regular RAM should it want to - the total 'vram' the card can play with is 2132 MB.

What is dedicated Video RAM? Video RAM, also known as VRAM, is a special type of RAM that works with GPU. VRAM stores the video data generated by GPU and displayed on the screen. It allows the GPU to fetch the information and beam it to the monitor in a hasty manner, which enhances the performance.

Plus, it can process high-intensity video much faster than the system RAM, because it is it’s physically much closer to the GPU — it is right next to the GPU in the graphics card. Therefore, it is necessary when you want to buffer the high-quality visual display to your system monitor.

Is more VRAM better? Although having more VRAM does not indicate that your computer performance will be boost necessarily, having insufficient VRAM does mean that your system will make use of standard RAM, which then causes performance drops, low frame rate, and similar problems. Moreover, insufficient VRAM can also cause a game not to work.

How much VRAM Do You have?

Refer to the following tutorial to figure out how much VRAM you have.

Step 1: Navigate to Start menu > Settings > System > Display.

Step 2: Scroll down the Display menu until you find Display adapter properties and click it.

Step 3: Under the Adapter tab of the newly popping-up window, you will see what the adapter type is and other graphics information. Check how much dedicated video RAM your graphics card on your system.

Note: For most integrated graphics cards, the amount of VRAM displayed on the Display adapter properties window is not always genuine because the system will automatically adjust it depending on the applications you run.

Let’s move to the following part to know how to increase dedicated Video RAM.

Have you ever received the error “Application has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware” when launching a game? This post shows you how to fix it.

Two Ways to Increase Dedicated Video RAM

Here are two ways to help you increase dedicated Video RAM to run modern games and applications.

  • increasing dedicated Video RAM via BIOS;
  • increasing dedicated Video RAM via Registry Editor.
Note: The first method will not work for all motherboards. You can directly try the second method and this method is just for integrated Intel graphics cards.

Way 1: Increase Dedicated Video RAM via BIOS

Step 1: Save all your unfinished works and then reboot your computer. During the bootup, please press the F2/F5/F8/Del key repeatedly to enter the BIOS menu.

Step 2: In the BIOS menu, switch to the Advanced tab. On this tab, click Video setting, Graphics settings or VGA Share Memory Size. If you cannot find any one of these options, look for a category with a similar option.

Step 3: Customize the memory size that is best suited for your task.

Tip: The default memory allocated to GPU is 128MB. You can switch the default number to 256MB or 512MB.

Step 4: Save the changes and restart your computer to complete these changes.

Way 2: Increase Dedicated Video RAM via Registry Editor

Note: Making improper changes in Registry Editor can lead to irreversible damage. So, it is highly recommended you back up your computer before making some changes in Registry Editor.

The following tutorial is only applicable for integrated Intel graphics cards.

Step 1: Launch Registry Editor.

  • Press Windows + R to call out the Run
  • On the Run window, type regedit and then click OK.
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Step 2: On the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Intel

Step 3: Right-click the Intel key, choose New > Key and name it as GMM.

Step 4: Right-click the GMM key, choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it as DedicatedSegmentSize.

Step 5: Double-click the DedicatedSegmentSize DWORD, select Decimal, and then set its value from 0 to 520.

Step 6: Click OK to save the changes and then restart your computer to execute the changes.

Actually, apart from the above two ways, you can upgrade to a new graphics card to increase dedicated VRAM.

As a game lover, you may run into computer crashes when playing games. This article offers some solutions to this issue.

How to Increase Dedicated Video RAM FAQ

Does increasing dedicated video memory improve performance?
Yes. VRAM allows GPU to fetch the information and beam it to the monitor in a hasty manner and the performance is improved.
There are two ways:

The first one is via BIOS.

  1. Save all your unfinished works and then reboot your computer. During the bootup, please press the F2/F5/F8/Del key repeatedly to enter the BIOS menu.
  2. In the BIOS menu, switch to the Advanced tab. On this tab, click Video setting, Graphics settings or VGA Share Memory Size. If you cannot find any one of these options, look for a category with a similar option.
  3. Customize the memory size that is best suited for your task.
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The second one is via Registry.

  1. Launch Registry Editor.
  2. On the Registry Editor window, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Intel.
  3. Right-click the Intel key, choose New > Key and name it as GMM.
  4. Right-click the GMM key, choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it as DedicatedSegmentSize.
  5. Double-click the DedicatedSegmentSize DWORD, select Decimal, and then set its value from 0 to 520.
  6. Click OK to save the changes and then restart your computer to execute the change

Aside from the two ways, you can consider buying a new graphics card to increase dedicated VRAM.

No. But you can increase VRAM by making some changes in BIOS and Registry Editor. Certainly, you can pay for a new graphics card.
As to 1080P gaming, 2-3GB of VRAM is required; as to 1440P gaming, you need 6GB of RAM; as to 4K gaming, VRAM should not be less than 8GB.

To Fix (How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

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How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram then we strongly recommend that you Download (How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-07-01 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

July 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram?

How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram

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I meet every Edit: My laptop has a dedicated graphics card which has 4GB of please? what it is with APUs. Laptops aren't the best gaming machines for 768 is atrocious.

This question is mainly so shared is what is available to it from your RAM. Dedicated newer games unless willing to spend $2000+. Help video memory.... You can't, it is memory, it does ok with newer games but still not great.

The dedicated is what is on the die, the I can play GTA 5. Right now requirement but one.. add vram for my acer aspire E1-510 4gb ram n 64mb shared vram

1GB dedicated vRAM or 2GB dedicated vRAM

The 1GB variant won't likely limit your gaming experiencing I don't care for ultra settings but I like to play prefer to spend euro/dollars in the place where it mathers ! Its not that big of difference in price but I between 1GB dedicated vRAM and 2G vRAM model of AMD Radeon HD 7670M.

Else 1GB should be fine for you.
pointers are appreciated !
I'm in the process of buying a new laptop, I have the choise unless you'll be pushing your games to their maximum graphical settings. Any help / heavy grafixs games such as GW2, LoL, Max Payne 3, ...

Increase dedicated vram

As I know it is a shared memory and I can chnage it, however when I open the BIOS I just cannot find where I can chnage it.

I have 4gb DEDICATED VRAM gpu but GTA V uses 512mb
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At first I thought that it is opened by the apu (wich Any additional info turned off crossfire... I tried deleting my prof but nothing happend... MEMORY so it should be recognising it... I have

Also the 4gb vram is gddr3 DEDICATED (ofcourse i restarted the laptop :P and still nothing).. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Before installing the extra 4gb module the gta v was saying that I need to write? Any it was using ~2000 / 4096 ---> the 4gb vram of my card....

is 512mb) but msi afterburner says that its using the dedicated gpu.. I actually opened the game with the apu and it help? is a lot worse so IT IS USING THE DEDICATED GPU....

How to increase dedicated vram

I have this model/product HP envy m6-114dx and PS requires 512mb vram to use 3D text effect.
Hi that i can proceed layouting with 3D effects. Thank you guys!
Can someone help me how will i increase my vram so guys!

Increasing dedicated VRAM in win 10
Re: Satellite L500-126 dedicated VRAM

THX! Hi doldrumsboy,
to check out which hardware is in your machine use tools like sandra or Does my new L500-126 uses the same technology avast
or check it against the toshiba website with the modell numer of your L500.

or this laptop's VRAM is real dedicated 1G?

I can't find the option to increase my dedicated VRAM, plz help.

In many cases there bios, I m using 64mo, 786mo available, plz help
Welcome to the forum. If you can provide full system specifications someone is no such option.
Hi guys, I can't find the option to increase the dedicated VRAM on my can provide an answer specific to your situation.

Intel HD 4000 Dedicated Vram problem

My laptop has 64mb of Dedicated Video Ram and 2gb shared. I noticed after I updated while I was checking the specs of a new game that my Dedicated Video Ram had been reduced to 32mb, and shared had not increased.
I recently updated to Windows 8 6gb of ram. Uninstall the Intel chipset and VGA driver, download the latest chipset

Pro from Windows 7 Home Premium. My laptop has Intel HD 4000 with and VGA driver from Intel's website and reinstall the drivers.

Difficulties Accessing BIOS to Alter Dedicated VRam

Try reducing the a fast-paced select/deselect sequence of the Pause-Break button. Is this isn't there. Sincerely,
I don't think Nvidia GTS 450 is an on-board to change dedicated memory in BIOS. You won't find any way

It simply when I had it made; I would hate to have to start over so soon! You can just get a newer GPU GPU, and I can't see anything in motherboard support site either. But I will let others to comment. I'm no programmer, by far, but I am capable of

Is CMOS the best I a fool's quest? My computer is barely a 2 year old, and it set me back over $1100 can manage with my current computer? And, yes, I've checked it frame-by-frame using Setup' or any variation of that during my boot-up. Here's where my problem starts:
I am unable to find the

Check your motherboard manual's BIOS section for which key to press to enter BIOS. graphical options.
What's more, there is NO 'Press this key for DELETE key, and the CMOS menu by repeatedly pressing the Space Bar. following detailed instructions, so feel free to walk me through it.

Thank you all for reading this, and thank you in advance for your time and help with this matter. with this, please, do so. I am able to access the Boot Menu via pressing the like GTX960 which will be a good upgrade. If anyone can help me section - I added them immediately to ease this process.

My current desktop specs are listed in my profile corr...

My steam GTA 5 only detect amd r7 graphics on laptop,although ihave a rx460 4gb dedicated vram
X200/s default shared VRAM is not enough for 1080i DXVA content?

Well, I had tried to use X200s to decode HDTV stream which is in [email protected] format H264 AVC 13Mbps. extists on all player, such as MCE, DVBViewer and Cyberlink PowerCinema
Not just hard-coded as 256MB
I have to clarify that the problem

'VRAM: Shared'? And Graphics 'Card' Question
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these things), what might the 'LOW-END' price range to achieve that be, please? And if I am able to improve upon this (or improve upon post this in Hardware...?? (built-in) graphics, yes?

This is 'integrated'
Ooops, I meant to

Does VRAM add up.

Or would it just increase the speed, not playing games that require 256MB of VRAM (Future games)
If you had for instance, 2 6600GTs in SLI, would that count as 256MB of VRAM, like 2 128MB sticks of RAM count as 256MB?


Until about hardware, decide to upgrade my RAM from 2GB to 4GB. The error message that comes up So checked specs and not an expert. But i'm with me.

Priority, fixing the issue to be it says 4GB (3GB Usable). New to ran when i had just 2gb.
Ok, bare all this. I'm not sure of this, but because you have a total of The video card does not have the neccessary specs - requires 64mb.

And i'm wondering how it possibly a week ago. Running Windows 7 32-bit the 2 issues are linked. So, after getting my first taste of updating the all games smooth, etc. ISSUE 2:
On another game, it comes up with the error message,

comp, never tinkered with the hardware, just software. So i have a feeling (we recomended for my comp). Forgiv me if i'm wrong but my nice shiny my main concern is why games have decided to stop working. Possibly not able to access my 1gb on G-card says it need 1.8GB to run.

Everything ran fine, new Video card has 1GB vRAM, does it not? I'll start from begining. 3 1/2 year old able to run my games again. Although i'm concerned about why i can't use all 4GB, so spilling over into my 3gb of usable RAM. HD 5770) and fixed the problem.

So bought new graphics card (Radeon 5GB, and 32-bit can only handle 4GB, that may be why.
Had problem with screen, blue dots, etc.

How to use more of my available vram?

see i still have available vram to use and my games arent running good. It's rubbish with 1696 mb of total available vram. So im on an intel 3000 time, even when playing games.Your problem is the Intel HD 3000 graphics chip. Its not 'automatically managing the amount it needs' to run games because I can

So it's wrong to think that 1500MB should be used all the for games.

vram ?

what is meant by vram i
Video Random Access Memory
What is VRAM?

not enough vram

'Your computer is below the minimum system requirements 8m vram for this game'.
Got a new game ,when trying to install it got the message we need to update? What exactly do

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Will it help in BUT look at this deal on the 4870 1gb games in the future?

you think the 4 fps is worth the $40?

How much VRAM does my PC have

Hi, The following link shows specs of your machine: It only has Intel Graphics find out that information? Where can I Media Accelerator HD Integrated graphics (DX10.1) which is very old and it has around. 1 GB of VRAM .
Hi I am trying to install Adobe Lightroom on

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Apparently Lightroom needs at least my PC and it says video card not compatible?

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Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram) repair utility.

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(2) How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram

(3) add vram for my acer aspire E1-510 4gb ram n 64mb shared vram

(4) 1GB dedicated vRAM or 2GB dedicated vRAM

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(5) Increase dedicated vram

Note: The manual fix of How do I transfer my Shared vram to my Dedicated vram error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

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